






      1. 提高自己的技能


      2. 寻找漫画公司的方法


      3. 成功面试的建议





      As Japanese manga and anime become more and more popular among people, more and more people want to become a cartoonist. Although some people choose to create independently, joining a manga company is very helpful for improving skills and expanding network. But it is not easy to join a manga company, so lets explore how to be a part of it together.

      1. Improve your skills

      First of all, becoming a cartoonist requires solid drawing skills. Learning drawing not only needs to focus on sketching skills, but also needs to be proficient in the use of color, composition and picture language. Therefore, those who want to join a cartoon company need to constantly improve their drawing skills. You can attend painting classes or find related courses online for learning. In addition, increasing the reading amount is also a necessary process to improve your drawing skills. Read more manga, understand various painting styles, and accumulate various story plots and character shaping methods.

      2. Methods for finding cartoon companies

      If you want to join a manga company, you must first determine which field of manga company you want to enter. For example, if you want to draw horror-themed comics, you can look for comic companies that have this theme as their main feature. After determining the target, you can use the Internet to find information about related comic companies. You can search for "manga companies" on Baidu search engine, and then choose your favorite company to submit your resume. You can also follow some manga forums or social platforms to learn about industry information and job recruitment.

      3. Suggestions for successful interviews

      After successfully receiving an interview invitation from the manga company, you need to be fully prepared. First, prepare your portfolio and resume. The portfolio should select some representative works and select them according to the needs of the interview company. The personal resume should clearly explain your educational background, work experience and personal strengths. Secondly, before the interview, you should have a certain understanding of the target company, and understand their product types, market performance and development prospects. Finally, it is important to maintain confidence and a good communication attitude during the interview, and pay attention to the accuracy and completeness of the answers.

      In conclusion, becoming a cartoonist requires continuous efforts and improvement of drawing skills. Methods for finding cartoon companies can be achieved by paying attention to manga forums and social platforms to learn about the latest job information. The key point of successful interview is to prepare the portfolio and personal resume, understand the target company, and maintain a good communication attitude.
