

【摘要】 在漫画世界里的漫画是我们消遣时不可或缺的好伙伴。然而,我们在寻找漫画的同时也经常会遇到一些困扰,比如不知道去哪里看、看前需要付费等。本文将针对这些困惑为读者介绍漫画的来源和去处。


【摘要】 在漫画世界里的漫画是我们消遣时不可或缺的好伙伴







      另外,我们还可以通过在线订阅服务获取漫画,比如谷歌Play Books、动漫之家、喜马拉雅FM、有妖气等。这些平台每个月收取一个固定的订阅费用或在一定限制内提供免费内容。这对于想要阅读全年龄段漫画或刚刚开始尝试某种类型漫画的新手来说是一个较好的选择。






      官方网站是漫画作者、出版商或新闻机构等发布漫画的主要来源。例如,日本的著名漫画杂志Weekly Shōnen Jump在其官方网站上免费提供最新的连载漫画,并为用户提供了许多额外的服务和资源。其他知名漫画官网还包括Marvel漫画官网、DC漫画官网、Kodansha Comic官网和图灵社官网等。这些官方网站为用户提供了最新和最流行的漫画,但他们对于一些地区封锁较严格或不支持英文的用户可能不太友好。


      漫画应用程序也是获取漫画的另一种选择,其中包括许多能够从官方网站上拉取漫画、提供社交功能、推荐适合读者口味的漫画应用程序。漫画应用程序最著名的应该是LINE Webtoon、Comic Walker和ComiXology等应用程序。这些应用程序虽然有一些限制,但是却附带了方便、多样化和强大的功能。








      Title: 漫画世界里的漫画去哪里看

      Abstract: In the world of manga, manga is an indispensable good companion for our leisure time. However, we often encounter some troubles when looking for comics, such as not knowing where to go or needing to pay before watching. This article will introduce the sources and places of comics for readers to solve these problems.


      As a fast-growing art form, manga has become an indispensable part of modern culture. More and more people like to read various types of manga for relaxation, edutainment, or inspiration. Although the high-speed development of the manga market has brought fans more choices and convenience, it has also brought some troubles to some novices. Below, we will introduce the sources and places of comics in detail to help everyone solve these problems.

      Where did manga come from?

      The sources of manga can be divided into two categories: online sources and offline sources. Online sources refer to the comics we find by searching for e-books, purchasing online subscription services, or receiving comics in various ways on the Internet. Offline sources include bookstores, libraries, manga exhibitions, and manga stores.

      Online sources

      E-books are one of the most convenient online sources of manga. We can obtain e-books through platforms such as Baidu Wenku, Tencent Comics, iQiyi Comics, etc. Of course, many of these e-books are illegal and have been released online without authorization from the copyright holder. It is recommended that everyone should not download or use these illegal resources to avoid copyright infringement and unnecessary trouble.

      Also, we can get comics through online subscription services, such as Google Play Books, Dongmanzhijia, Himalaya FM, Youyaoqi, etc. These platforms charge a fixed subscription fee every month or provide free content within certain limits. This is a better choice for novices who want to read comics of all ages or just start trying some type of comics.

      Offline sources

      The way to get comics offline is usually to go to bookstores, libraries, manga exhibitions, and manga stores. Among them, manga bookstores and manga stores are the best choices for us to obtain new comics and self-published works of independent authors. In contrast, the library is the main source of public comics, especially those classic and award-winning works. Considering comprehensively, obtaining comics offline requires time and effort, but its value and commemorative significance cannot be replaced by obtaining comics online.

      Where to watch manga?

      The places to watch manga can be classified according to their types, mainly including official websites, manga applications, social media, online manga sites, and offline purchase channels.

      Official website

      The official website is the main source of comics published by manga authors, publishers, or news agencies. For example, Japans famous manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump provides the latest serialized comics for free on its official website and provides many additional services and resources for users. Other well-known manga official websites include Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Kodansha Comic, and Turing Society official websites. These official websites provide users with the latest and most popular comics, but they may not be very friendly to users in some areas with stricter blockages or do not support English.

      Manga application

      Manga apps are also another option for obtaining comics, including many apps that can pull comics from official websites, provide social functions, and recommend comics that suit readers tastes. The most famous manga app should be LINE Webtoon, Comic Walker, and ComiXology, etc. These apps have some restrictions, but they come with convenience, diversity, and powerful features.

      Social media

      Social media is also an important source of learning comics and obtaining comics information. Instagram, WeChat official account, Facebook, and other social media can bring users more manga information and are also an important structure connecting manga readers and publishers.

      Online manga sites

      Online manga sites are the preferred way to get the latest comics and provide a lot of manga reading. Some of these online manga sites are free, some require fees, and some famous online manga sites include Bilibili, Tencent Comics, Youyaoqi, iQiyi Comics, etc.


      Through the above introduction, we can conclude that obtaining comics is not difficult, the key is to choose the right channel and method. Different channels and methods have their own characteristics and advantages and disadvantages, so we need to choose the best place according to our own needs and preferences. Most importantly, when enjoying comics, we also need to respect the intellectual property rights of manga authors and not use illegal resources and methods.
